Lumley Infant & Nursery Site: Great Lumley, County Durham DH3 4JL | Tel: 0191 388 5292 | Email:
Lumley Junior Site: Cocken Lane, Great Lumley, County Durham DH3 4JJ | Tel: 0191 388 2310 | Email:

Lumley Primary Federation

Nursery Open Event - Thursday 20th March at 4pm

Personal, Social & Emotional Development


Personal, social and emotional development (PSED) is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives, and is fundamental to their cognitive development. Underpinning their personal development are the important attachments that shape their social world.  Personal, Social and Emotional development is categorised into three  main areas:

  • Self-Regulation
  • Managing Self
  • Building Relationships

Core Values

The Core Values of Lumley Infant and Nursery School have been designed by pupils, parents and governors and reflect the school’s ethos ‘Fun to Teach, Fun to Learn’. The Core Values are at the heart of all we do. They are encapsulated in the word:


D: is for having determination and dedication

R: is for being responsible and resilient

E: is for being enthusiastic about learning and having empathy for others

A: is for having an aspiration and a positive, caring attitude

M: is for being motivated and having good manners

S: is for being special and successful


Knowledge and Key Skills Progression Grids:

PRIME AREA – PERSONAL, SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL – Progression of Key Skills and Knowledge – Updated January 2024



At Lumley Infant and Nursery School all staff endeavour to forge strong, warm and supportive relationships with children which enables them to learn how to understand their own feelings and those of others. Children are supported to manage emotions, develop a positive sense of self, set themselves simple goals, have confidence in their own abilities, to persist and wait for what they want and direct attention as necessary.  Through explicit adult modelling and guidance, children learn how to look after their bodies, including healthy eating, and manage personal needs independently. Through supported interaction with other children, they learn how to make good friendships, co-operate and resolve conflicts peaceably. These attributes provide a secure platform from which children can achieve at school and in later life.  Personal, Social and Emotional Development, and Core Values are taught through story and safety workshops.



At the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage, most children can:


  • Show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly.
  • Set and work towards simple goals, being able to wait for what they want and control their immediate impulses when appropriate.
  • Give focused attention to what the teacher says, responding appropriately even when engaged in activity, and show an ability to follow instructions involving several ideas or actions.

Managing Self

  • Be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.
  • Explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly.
  • Manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing, going to the toilet and understanding the importance of healthy food choices.

 Building Relationships

  • Work and play cooperatively and take turns with others.
  • Form positive attachments to adults and friendships with peers.
  • Show sensitivity to their own and to others’ needs.