SEN Transition
Effective transition at all stages is essential to ensure that children feel safe and happy in their learning environment. We recognise that transitions can be difficult for some children and take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.
How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school
Transition into school is planned in advance through consultation with both parents and the child’s previous school. We have a flexible transition and induction process which is adapted to meet the needs of each child with SEND. This may include additional visits, meetings with new teachers and transition books including photographs.
How we support children/young people with SEN moving between classes in our school
When transitioning to a new class, all children take part in annual transition days. Depending on your child’s needs, additional support is put in place to ensure that they feel happy and secure about their move to their next class. Staff attend transition meetings to ensure all information is passed on and take part in regular discussions, particularly at the start of a new academic year, to ensure smooth transitions between year groups.
How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school
The final transition children experience at Lumley Junior School is the transition from primary to secondary school. This can be a particularly anxious time for children and we do all that we can to ensure children are prepared for their move. Depending on their choice of secondary school, children will have number of transition days in their new school. We have strong links with the local secondary schools and take part in transition meetings to ensure that they are aware of the needs of all of the children. Additional visits in smaller groups can also be arranged for those children who may need extra support.